MINNETONKA, Minn. -- Last month, the Central Portfolio Control team engaged in a friendly competition while raising money for charity. The winner of the contest selected Ronald McDonald House at Children's Minneapolis hospital as the recipient of the funds raised.
To engage employees in a fun team-building event and raise money for a local charity, Central Portfolio Control executives hosted a paper airplane contest. Each employee who chose to enter paid a small admission fee. At the end of the contest, the winner selected the charity to which all proceeds would be donated. Participants were provided with a piece of paper and could decorate it without adding anything to the paper that would change the weight (paperclips, tape, staples, etc.). Each competitor was given one throw with no do-overs. Paper airplanes were launched from the second-floor balcony with the goal of being the one that landed closest to the designated finish line. The winner of the paper airplane contest, Georgi, selected Ronald McDonald House at Children's Minneapolis hospital as the recipient of the funds raised!
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