Letter Vendor Coalition Develops FAQ’s for Hunstein Questions

LITTLE CANADA, Minn. -- Since the April 21 Hunstein v. Preferred Collection & Mgmt. Servs. ruling, the Print & Mail Coalition (the  “Coalition”) has received questions from many of its clients across the accounts receivable management  (ARM) industry. Below are responses to some of the most frequently asked questions. The responses should not be taken as legal advice.  

How is the Print & Mail Coalition supporting me? 

As critical suppliers to the industry, the Coalition is coming together as a powerful, united voice to identify of the impact the ruling. We will then file an amicus brief to ensure the Coalition’s perspective and legal arguments support the ARM industry. Additionally, the Coalition is staying in close contact with the industry associations to coordinate the amicus brief arguments, thereby ensuring that each brief presented to the court is unique and effective.  

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