Phillips & Cohen Announces Major Expansion Plan

Phillips & Cohen Associates, Ltd., the international deceased account management specialist, servicing creditors in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, Spain, Portugal, and New Zealand, is delighted to announce major expansion plans for its UK office.    

The UK arm of the business, which has been domiciled at the prestigious Exchange Quay site in Manchester since its founding in 2006, has enjoyed consistent and vibrant organic growth over the last decade and has now outgrown its current home.  As a result, the Board has decided to take an extended lease on an additional floor on the same site to facilitate this expansion.

Discussing the expansion, Adam S. Cohen, Co-Chairman/CEO said, “Our UK office has been at the forefront of our international expansion over the last decade and as our growth ambitions continue to expand both domestically and internationally, developing the Manchester site as one of our centres of excellence makes strategic sense.”   

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