Owners, executives, and other accounts receivable management (ARM) professionals are all challenged with making timely and critical business decisions, often without the benefit of reliable market intelligence. Those who have been in the industry for a while painstakingly know that managing accounts receivable has changed dramatically since the start of the Great Recession. Widespread client-level changes and rapid consolidations, overwhelming regulatory oversight, and significant economic fluctuations have dramatically influenced the strategic decisions being made by credit and collection professionals alike. There has never been a greater need for reliable and insightful market intelligence to make informed decisions.
Kaulkin Ginsberg has become very dissatisfied with the limitations that executives of ARM companies have when it comes to accessing and disseminating critical and timely market intelligence to make these decisions. That’s why Kaulkin Ginsberg launched KG Prime in 2017. Initially, KG Prime was an online, membership-based website that combined the very best capabilities of market research with social media and covered a vast array of market segments.
After re-assessing the needs of the market, Kaulkin Ginsberg is announced the re-launch of KG Prime.
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